This is a shop I came across when having to kill a bit of time while getting some photos developed on the street behind my house - and I've gone back again and again. They have their own collection but they also sell pieces in the shop by other designers, for example for a time they sold beautiful flower crowns by Cucullia.
Their signature items are these quirky blouses and shirts with appliqué or sequinned over-sized pockets. This is there website where you can find their pieces to buy online, and I follow both their Facebook and Instagram pages to make my news feed that bit more exciting and inspirational.
One thing I really like is the presentation in the shop, with little plants, uplifting messages and novelty items which transform the small space into something quite unique. I was in there about a month ago looking for a 21st present for my friend Ruth when I snapped a few of these on my iPhone. I ended up getting her a baby blue shirt with a dark sequinned pocket. I hope she can wear it and think of Madrid and of me.
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